League News


Opening weekend pushed back 7 days

As of Wednesday, Sept 28/2022, there are still 101,647 Nova Scotia Power Customers without any service and while hard-working crews from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Maine, Ontario and Quebec along with the Canadian Army are still doing everything humanely possible to ensure power is restored quickly, especially in Northern Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, it remains to be seen how many Nova Scotia Junior Teams will be able to play their opening regular season games this weekend.  The two seemingly in Question at the present time are Membertou at Antigonish and Cumberland at Port Hawkesbury, both scheduled for Friday Sept 30 at 7:30 but of course little will be known until at least Friday morning as the power is restored in so many of the hard hit areas.  Two other games in less impacted areas appear to be a go for for Friday evening with Brookfield in East Hants at 7:30 and the Valley Maple Leafs in Shearwater to play the Capstone Colts at 7:30 p.m.  The Sackville Blazers and Liverpool Privateers will face-off Saturday Oct 1 and then the Valley Maple Leafs and East Hants Penguins will hopefully make their game up from last Friday Sept 23 on Sunday, Oct 2 at 7:30 in East Hants.

13 Tropical Cyclones and Hurricane have hit Nova Scotia since records were first recorded in 1775, the most recent being Dorian in 2019 but since it took place in Early September (Sept 7-8), no games were forced to be postponed.  Never has a Hurricane/Tropical Cyclone managed to hit this province and cancel a full slate of season-opening games such as what occurred this past weekend.
Teams are frothing at the bit and waiting anxiously to play their opening games of the season this coming weekend. Keep it here to the Nova Scotia Junior Hockey League Website for updates as soon as we are notified and get ready for a season of action packed-hockey.
Sep 28, 2022