League News


Blazers now back in fourth in Fox

The Sackville Blazers for 48 hours found themselves outside looking in at a playoff berth in the Fred Fox Division but the Blazers came up with a solid effort at home Monday evening to triple up the Valley Maple Leafs 6-2 and move back into the fourth and final playoff position in the Fred Fox Division.  Their 9-11-1 recon now puts them a point ahead of 5th place Liverpool and one point behind the third place Brookfield Elks.  The Blazers jumped in front 4-0 with 12:04 to play in the second period and carried on from there adding two more third period goals to make the final 6-2.  Scoring for the Blazers were Will Meek, Justin Hardie, Degen Noble, Stephen Purdy on the power-play, Bryson Currie and Jaden Hardie.  Connor Deluney and Terran Baillie scored 55 seconds apart in the second period for the Leafs to give them their pair of goals.  The Blazers held a 44-38 shots advantage.  The Blazers travel to Brookfield Tuesday evening in hopes of overtaking third place while on Wednesday evening in a make-up contest at C.F.B. Halifax in Shearwater, the Capstone Colts will host the Liverpool Privateers.  Both games will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Jan 10, 2023